Sunday, February 27, 2011
How Do Compering In School Day Function
A friend of mine who had a daughter 2 years ago and is now separated me 2 boxes of clothes girl. Instantly I was super happy, because we say what we want, clothing is expensive, especially for the short time it does, then when it was one of the free benefits! After all, I am not rich either.
I open the boxes, and I find a little of everything, through the gagou Tagou at Mexx. The problem is that most clothes are really stained (yellow collar, food stains and spots unknown) and pajamas have poo tasks in the background. I find it really sweet of him to offer me thinking of clothes, but I'm a little frustrated that he thought I'd be happy to have clothes in a lamentable condition also ... or did not take the time to check the condition of clothing before I offer them. I still kept what was the least worst, it can still be useful to have clothes that will not be afraid to get dirty more, but the largest went to St. Vincent ...
I am a proud and well parraitre is important to me ... I do not claim to have clothing brands, all I want is clothes that I like. I am quite willing to have second-hand clothes, proof I bought for my smart but affectionate, is it normal that I want to have clothes that are in good condition and it shocks me that a friend thinks I'll be happy to have pajamas with traces of excrement in the background? I'm frustrated
parrais dress that you?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Best Korbel Champagne To Mix For Mimosas
But ... I do not receive many baby clothes as gifts. In fact, I like it, but I do not like it when the garment I do not like ... what do we do this time?
I prefer to receive a gift card in a shop where there are baby clothes (Aubainerie is great for me, I love almost all clothing and plush Gagou Tagou and Toast!) that receive a piece that does not please me and I know that I will put pertinant probably not my daughter because he does is not to my taste.
clothing tastes vary so much from one person to another that I find it difficult to offer clothes to anyone, even her baby unless you really know its good taste in clothing! It's like trying to offer a new perfume to someone ...
You guess that I received a gift of clothing ... I do not particularly like! But there was in the gift a beautiful cloth doll with a totally adorable blanket that matched j'adoooooore so I'm very happy!
So what do you do when you offer a garment that you do not like your baby?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Best Reddot For The Money
We are still waiting for news of our mortgage with National Bank. Fingers crossed that it works, and we can expect a little.
In terms of my pregnancy, it's going!
I seem to be very low Olivia. It supports diverse and always on my bladder when I'm up, I always feel an urge to pee, even if I just go there, so I prefer sit, at least this way I know when I want to be true!
Otherwise, baby moves a lot, lot, lot! I really feel like an alien in his belly. My belly is full of movement. Sometimes I find it cute and more it bothers me a bit. I find it a bit disturbing, sometimes disturbing. I'm still crazy about my little chip and it reassures me really feel it move and respond to external stimuli. At least I know she is okay.
I sleep very badly in recent weeks. The chip is moving a lot at night and it hurts groin in 2, the mount of venus up the ass is painful. I think it's the pubic symphysis. Anyway, when I turn in bed or when I have to get up to go pee it's really painful. Walking is sometimes very difficult. My belly
is becoming bigger and even if I did not take much weight, I find it really heavy. As if I was 10 pounds per week. When I'm tired physically, I feel tired of having the belly. It hurts and I have contractions. This weekend, we went to Fair Housing and returning, I had very painful contractions, I felt that everything I wanted out from the bottom and it hurt a lot.
Otherwise the rest is like any other pregnancy, with ups and downs ...
I give you back some news for the construction of our house and especially the acceptance of our loan!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
How Long Can A Virus Live In Chapstick
National Bank to accept our loan application! (And we will not have to pay fees at Desjardins is the company that takes care of baby)
We will be able to build our beautiful new house and all fair, OUR TASTE!
They still can not take into account my income (because I have no certainty of having a job in changing city) but baby going very well alone, without my non-income and my student loans. (I understand that he goes there and not at Desjardins ... but I'm mad, you do not try to understand, we just want to have a mortgage!)
We meet the lady next Monday to be Certainly the numbers I told him are correct and make sure everything is OK, but she said that currently, they passed without problem. Fingers crossed that it really works!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Clothing Seasons Gracie Grace
Already! I
180 days of pregnancy is ... already!
Time passes so quickly. Although parfoit I'm a little edge, especially when Miss Olivia decided to take my bladder for a punching bag in the middle of the night, I'm happy the way I've done and I am happy to be pregnant. I am beautiful. I have a nice round belly and my biggest fear is now departed, and I does not fatten the body, on the contrary, my face is thinner than my marriage.
I'm still not super-woman-resplendent bloom-and-proud-of-l'être, but I feel good, parfoit sickened tired, jaded from being hit in the bladder, but love my daughter happy and that happiness that I so desired. I accept my pregnancy, I live it every day. I try not to think too much about the outcome of this adventure, because it makes me a little scared and I no longer think in the first 15 weeks of hell that I had at the beginning of pregnancy, I focus on the moment and now I'm fine.
Yesterday I had my appointment followed her home from birth. Everything is beautiful. My uterus is rendered to 25cm. My Beetle was sleeping and his heart was beating at 130bpm. I must pass my test for gestational diabetes on March 3 because I have risk factors. (Glucose in my urine and my mom often made for gestational diabetes at its last pregnancy ...) Without that, I would not have needed to do this test. My bottle of orange juice flavor and chemical de-d'orange artificial flavor is in my fridge waiting for the big day to be drunk. My midwife told me that the taste was not that bad ... we'll see, because this is not what I've heard of moms I know!
March 3, I also WinRho my vaccine, because I am A negative blood, so that my body makes antibodies and all the complications it could bring.
Otherwise for the rest, I'm still happy with my followed by home birth, and although I often passes for an Alien who wants to give birth away from the hospital, I am really satisfied with my choice. At least that's the best ... for me!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Quote - Loss Of Mother In Law
They do not want to increase our mortgage.
They do not consider my income, because as I'm back because of my pregnancy and I change the city, nothing would guarantee that I'll have another job when I am moved.
I feel so guilty our situation, I feel guilty for being pregnant, I feel guilty for being on preventative, I feel guilty for choosing to be self employed.
It might also be taken more chances if we did not buy a new car this summer, but at that time was believed to stay here for several years ...
I just want to scream and yell. It's so frustrating ...Tuesday, February 8, 2011
One Piece Nami V.s Law
After a mega weekend shopping for houses, land, home visits not beautiful, more beautiful, more expensive and not to our liking. After living a nightmare with my darling because I was exhausted visits, lack of sleep because Miss Olivia moves like a tornado the night and woke up because the home visits made me have nightmares and because it still sleeps less well elsewhere, we finally bought a house Thursday night and we will make an offer to purchase land in Portland to put our new home.
Thursday morning we will meet our mortgage adviser at Desjardins to slightly increase our mortgage (from $ 11,000). It's not so bad, we will spend $ 132,000 to $ 143,000. That should happen. At least we cross our fingers, because I stopped working, it's not the best time to renegotiate a mortgage. My dad said we should not be too difficult because we have a $ 32 000 cash we do with the sale of the house and can pick up here and there in our economies''' '.
meantime, I gotta give a big shot in my paperwork for child care have a good idea of my income in 2010 and to provide evidence to the fund, because even though I currently do not work, they take into account my 2010 income, because normally I work. It stresses me
still all that, because the house is not built yet and because we do not know if they're going to approve, but at least you get in the moving process and it encourages us. In the worst case, I think they could charge us an endorser for $ 11 000 more on our mortgage and that, I do not think we should be too difficult to be on the side of parents darling.
Hopefully the house will be delivered on the ground May 9 They calculate that in early June (it wanted to parental leave baby) we can make the print of seal, paint and flooring (not me because I'm having my chip in the end there, but our fathers cherished and will work hard!) and we should move into our house late June.
is really flat for one thing, I'll enter a move in late April because I must leave the house here and another move in late June after giving birth. That makes for a great late pregnancy and early life in three! In the meantime, we'll live with a friend who lives not far from where we build.
is not the ideal scenario, but we have no choice!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Transparent Jumber Cable
How they were our grandmothers and great- mothers to have healthy babies when they not taking any vitamins pregnancy, they do not always eat what was best because it was costing too expensive or they did not consume enough calcium, iron or other, then they did not know he had to avoid solid food succeptibles make them sick like salmonella, while certainly using strong household products, medicines or things to avoid like the Vicks , etc..
At least this time, when women were pregnant, certainly did not feel like a sword of Damocles above head in every decision they should take every step they did.
There are days where I feel like a cult. The cult of pregnant women. No longer does it, not eat it, do not touch this medication, sleeping on the side with a pillow between your legs, take snacks even if you're not hungry, take your vitamins for pregnancy, takes the Folic acid even before being pregnant, do not make long car trip, avoids forcing, etc. ...
I'm not trying to complain, but I make a finding on the difference in the lives of pregnant women and formerly us now. I see all the stress imposed on us by our society, and the anguish and remorse that we feel if, heaven forbid we dare to eat an egg with the yolk is not cooked, the meat a little pink or to put Vicks because we can no longer breathe.
There are thousands of years that humans reproduce, but I do not think there were so many restrictions and recommendations, and yet ... we are here today, and certainly not because the women of 100 years ago ate vitamins and minerals, folic acid, iron and calcium while avoiding salmonella and listeria.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Bussines To Do With A Laptop
was little work to do on the house, but the price of the house has not gone down, so it makes us happy!
We move on: Our future home!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunline Travel Trailers
Exercisediagramfrozen Shoulder
I never thought that selling a home can be as stressful.
We learn from our mistakes, and there I am satisfied to have learned something ... not to sell more low to sell quickly, because if the inspection is not satisfactory to the buyer, he'll go down even lower and you will lose money.
I'm frustrated. I do not know what the problems are reproaches to my house (which is only 5 years), we'll know Tuesday night, but we know that things that are 2-3 chicottent our buyers and they do not want too we talk by phone. I hate having to wait for it, fooling around and having to wait. Meanwhile, my head is working at 200 miles an hour and I'm already imagining the worst.
was already home to a very low price, or 150 000 because we wanted to sell quickly, otherwise we would have a party to $ 160 000. But as it was barely 3 months to move (if we want the company to pay all our cherished moving expenses) it was sell quickly. The our buyers have negotiated to $ 148 000 and I have the distinct impression that they will use the inspector's visit to get even the price of the house ... This is not at all my happiness, because I do not want to sell it cheaper.
shit ... we will not afford to buy another house closer to town if you go down our prices too, the houses are too expensive near Quebec City ... and the bank will not want to lend us more especially since I no longer work: (
We must learn the lessons of our trials to grow out, but I think it's damn hard ... we all arrive at the same time i want ... not return to apartment, I feel like bawling, I'm tired and exhausted because I can stress the point that I really sleep well at night. I hate not having control over things. The worst thing we could have had more if we made ourselves the home inspected before putting it on sale and if we had assessed its value ... at least we could fix the price according to all that and we would not have done. We learn from our mistakes ...
It's pretty ironic that honey works for the company whose sloguant is: The future is simple ...
Friday, January 28, 2011
Funny Friendship Letter
General Assembly Committee twinning San Rémois
The Friday, January 28, 2011
Agenda Report
Summary of activities
Summary Financial
Election third outgoing
Question various
Latest Report Moral
The moral report of the President :
C e will be my last since I decided not to represent me and to leave room youth. This change will bring new ideas that will revitalize our committee that it must be said purred in his habits.
J ustement I used in my previous moral relations to take stock of the past year. So for 2010 we can welcome the success of our twinning celebrations last May with the gathering of all generations: the children had their programs, people with disabilities also were there and participated in all their extent. It is this open and friendly welcoming the difference that makes a feature of our association and will remain, I am sure, the particularity of the twinning committee. African side the hospital room of Tita, as requested by our African friends has finally emerged and this project that we wore for 4 years will be completed with the benefits of our last Christmas market on 15 th was a success as always.
C t has also 15 years that as President I will work with you, after succeeding in 1995 to Christian and I wanted Fichot tonight or I can for the last time to address all of you thank and congratulate you for the Twinning Committee is all of us, each with his charisma, his gift his skills at the service of all. The committee is good warm moments spent together in the effectiveness and good humor, friendship between us reflects the friendship between the peoples for whom we work.
A when you thank you thank you to the heart. It is true that the Committee after the twinning friendship pact signed with Pouni in 97 under the leadership of then Mayor Claude Souchon had a dual focus on the one hand and Germany on the other hand the Africa. This dual approach might seem incompatible, but it corresponded to what I am: first a teacher of the language of Goethe, who spent his professional life to defend the German language and fight against prejudice heavily rooted in the French mentality on our German neighbors.
D secondly a daughter of settlers who lived the most beautiful moments of his childhood in Senegal on the African soil and warned that both the nostalgia and guilt. That is what has occupied my energy, my will for 15 years: building bridges between us and these 2 regions of the world that have a heavy but also a great history with our country.
J have done what I could with my limitations but also with my heart and I thank you for trusting me during these 15 years. I left the committee to continue with you, but without the heavy responsibility of running an association. I go out to Lawrence Jacquel who is a candidate. That someone younger who has the dynamism, ideas filled his head, a rigor that will fit well with our German friends and a lot of goodwill. These are qualities that I found during recent years it has gradually been able to take its place in our group that he had found a bit closed at first. It will bring with it a whole new generation of Reims-san who can capture the match as we did in our time and gradually the image of the match I'm sure will take a youthful look, as it was in dire need. So long live the Twinning Committee and the spirit of brotherhood among peoples that animates it.
Summary of activities Africa Germany
Year 2010
The year 2010 was another year full of meetings, local events or participating in demonstrations extérieures.Ce are no less than 12 board meetings held in addition to the AGM on 29 January 2010.
Match Day 1 and 2 May:
C his year's festivities twinning takes place on two days, the program was a little relieved, allowing everyone to enjoy its amis.Pour children and their families, visit the Château de Brancion was somewhat curtailed due to rain, but everything went in the right mood. Thank you to Lawrence ... Cassissium's visit was appreciated by our German friends, always fond of good things in our region.The inauguration of the exhibition of the Friends of Art, always faithful, took place on Saturday afternoon in the presence of Many a day public.La Saturday ended with the traditional dance with, opening a great benefit Equishow, who presented: French cancan, flamenco and gypsy dances. Quality animation very appreciated quality tous.Une serenade uniting our youth and those of Harmonie Municipale Niederlinxweiler took place on Sunday before the farewell dinner: young German and French youth in unison, what a beautiful symbol! To Part sport, our friends "Veterans Recreation" are always present and always ready to party ... We thank them for their fidélité.Les Badminton fans had to forfeit due to lack of German opponents ... Hopefully This year the bonds are re-creating ... We had the pleasure to host this year's Friends of the Tennis Club of St Remy, the rain has somewhat disrupted the meetings, but the enthusiasm remains intact and this club is leaving for Ottweiler 2011. Thank you to Ms. Maurand his présidente.L host the disabled was as usual a great success, it's always a great joy to see them grow together in happiness and good humor. What is here very warmly thanked Ms. Limoge and educators for their dedication! Course I will not forget the families who participate faithfully, some for more 20 years, trade between France and allemands.Notre goal is to continue and expand these exchanges, whether school, family or associations to promote reconciliation between the inhabitants of our cities jumelées.Le June 4 was an organized Early evening with all participants in this weekend to take stock, exchange and brainstorm for the future. Evening with a small meal and a slide show.
actions against youth:
From 10 to 12 September 2010, a group of 5 young people, accompanied by Laurent and Nicole, attended a seminar organized by the Committee Ottweiler of twinning. These two days were devoted to how to build European citizenship through twinning committees. They were greeted warmly at the European University of Otzenhausen. These days were rich with constructive ideas for the future of our twinning committees. A big thank you to Frank Pampa and his team for organizing these meetings and especially to young people who were great players.
Our thanks go to the municipality that has a vehicle available to us for this trip.
Two moments important life-san Reims:
On November 28 we held our traditional Christmas market always highly orchestrated by Michael and his many little hands ... Let Breakage of exhibitors due to snow, just under way in terms of audience but a very interesting balance sheet: the benefit of the share is higher than a year 2009.On could discover the booth Germany, shortbread made by Waltraud, German teacher facilitator of our courses languages.
For this good idea and the time spent preparing, thank you to Waltraud !
November 29, our Twinning Committee at the invitation of the municipality, signed the Charter of the community life of St. Remy with all local associations; The charter now governs the relationship between municipalities and associations and formalizes commitments of each. After signing this
, 80 volunteer officers were rewarded by the municipality for the commitments of each. Evelyn, Robert, Jocelyn, Jean Claude have been rewarded: A big congratulations and thank you for their dedication to our association for many long years.
Africa Commission:
The coil was proposed Monday, January 18 with a special evening ahead of the Cameroonian film cycle of films about Africa. This cycle Glance Crusaders held from Wednesday, March 17 to Saturday 20 March in the presence of African filmmakers.
Christiane and Pierre Chaumont were very involved in this organization and a snack Africa was prepared and delivered by our twinning committee.
The ambulance purchased in departmental fire arrived safely ...
The inpatient ward is complete.
In short-term projects, would be an airlock to be considered for this room and the installation of electricity.
should also be a garage for the ambulance and redo the ceiling of the clinic.
This work will be financed by the benefit of the Christmas market.
Language classes:
9 students participated in the German courses initiated by Waltraud and 45 participants received English classes led by Christine Square.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Cheap Mcfarlane Sports Figures
we cross our fingers that this time is the right ...
There was no
price being asked, but they have not exaggerated in the lower price, they offered us $ 148 000.
remains to wait until they pass the credit and a visit to their inspector tomorrow ...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Best Of Beautifulagony
I'm frustrated, outraged, annoyed with!
Buyers eventually withdrew their offer to buy the house because of the cracks in the foundation and even if their inspector told them there was nothing to fear with the fucking cracks, because of 1 it was repaired well and 2, it is on a rocky terrain, thus ensuring excellent drainage, so not a problem for land water infiltration.
I do not know what they are so afraid, but hey, they withdrew their offer. Quite boring for us who have refused another couple who was willing to sign an offer with full knowledge of said cracks in foundation.
I boil inside because I was too happy that the house would sell so fast ... it pisses me off, because as the house is not sold it slows everything else ... the construction of the new house, moving ... the only thing that will not wait is my birth and I feel all this stress!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
How Much Formula Wic Gives
An offer to purchase was signed last night, conditional the visit of an inspector today to evaluate a crack in the soiling that had already been repaired in the past (former owner) but seems to have been badly repaired ... anyway, we never had a problem of infiltration of water into our basement, so I'm not too worried.
So the verdict is expected to finalize the sale, because their mortgage is already approved. If the repair is minor they buy it as is, but if it could cost them thousands of dollars (which I doubt), they will drop or negotiate the price down.
It's the little couple we liked who had made the offer. They offered us the price being asked, so we are super happy, because we did not put too fall below the asking price ... we already sold the very bottom. I say we might be able to have more ... but there was with the market ... the house next just sell and they demanded $ 155 000. I do not know if they have had their prices, but it was under their municipal assessment that is $ 155 700. It is bigger than ours but the land is furnished ... it is on the rocks everywhere. We, we got an offer to $ 150,000 (the price being asked ...) for ours is smaller, but the land is landscaped and paved entrance. What is nice is that our new building is costing us about the price we got for our house, so no need to modify our mortgage ... me with no pay, we might have had a little trouble! And the bonus the company pays us commission darling of the real estate agent (6%) view that we sold it by ourselves. It is as if we had sold the house $ 159 000, which I find very well considering that we paid $ 135 000 a year ago and we have not done any major work in the house to share to be a Prelard floating and painting in the basement. The rest of the house as is, even the paint is original! $ 24 000 in one year, I found a good profit!
I hope the news will be good with the Inspector!
I'll let you know!
Demo Flight Simulator
Thomas Cook France presents its Summer 2011 production and two major innovations: a range of customized travel Heart World Jet Tours, and a new travel club for users . The program for this season also means an offer expanded its travel brands, new clubs, hotels and an exclusive reinforced flight plan from the province.
For the summer of 2011 Thomas Cook offers a complete travel through 18 pamphlets published under the brands Thomas Cook, Jet Tours - whose new series Heart of the World - Secrets of Jet Tours and Aquatour, which s' Add offer Site The private club selling travel, is also big news this year.
the Heart of the World: the tailor-Jet Tours
Heart Promise World Jet Tours is a customized trip at the best prices around the world. This new offer is declined through four booklets: Americas, Asia, Tahiti and its islands, Seychelles and Madagascar.
Au Coeur du Monde is a specialty built on offering a wide range of products for all travel desires. Because bespoke is total flexibility in the design and creation of travel, Jet towers surrounded by the best experts and has established a dedicated booking service
to guide the client throughout his career. Over 100 experts and advisors at Heart of the World and bring their skills, knowledge and creativity for passengers. And forever more proximity, 45 agents Thomas Cook and Jet tours will be labeled "In the Heart of the World" in the current year. travel club of Thomas Cook Holidays is the private club of all internet who want to enjoy better prices for their trips. Based on the principle of sponsorship, the club offers two sales per week, on Mondays and Thursdays, accessible only to members. Just be sponsored by a member to enter the holiday, and access to exclusive offers, with up to 70% off, 25% off guaranteed. Since its opening, Americas Asia Tahiti & Her Islands Seychelles & Madagascar addresses every week to customers based Thomas Cook, which in turn can sponsor family and friends.
The offer will initially marks Thomas Cook, Jet Tours and Aquatour. Each sale will be offered on the web and also echoed in the Thomas Cook branch network and will expand later to other offers of tour operators.
A Summer expanded production of 18 brochures
Thomas Cook is now 72 Clubs: Clubs Aquatour Clubs Jumbo, Thomas Cook Village and Clubs Eldorador .
New Clubs for the 2011 summer season:
- 3 new Thomas Cook Village: Castell dels Hams (Balearic Islands), Roda Beach (Greece), Three Corners El Wekala in Taba (Egypt).
- 5 New Jumbo Clubs: Palma (Spain) Antalya (Turkey), Rhodes (Greece),
Luxor (Egypt), Hurghada (Egypt) and Jumbo Cruise on the Nile.
- 7 new clubs Aquatour In Tunisia, the Vime Lido and the Eden Club Monastir, Djerba Les Dunes. In Greece, the Ocean Blue to Rhodes, Corfu Aleolos Beach. In Crete, Heraklion the Cactus Beach. In Turkey, the Sultan of Side in Antalya. And still 27
Clubs Eldorador over 17 destinations.
Thomas Cook, Jet Tours and Aquatour also offer 3 new destinations: Malta, Montenegro and Krakow.
A flight plan reinforced Province in
For summer 2011, Thomas Cook has expanded its flight plan from province on 15 new routes. It is therefore nearly 400,000 seats are leased for 38 destinations from 12 cities
French: Paris, Metz, Mulhouse, Nice, Marseille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Rennes, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Nantes and Lyon.
All these innovations are available as a brochure and also online brochures on sites,, and
Monday, January 24, 2011
Chevrolet Ls7 Engine For Sale Craigslist
I find it so difficult. I am so attached to this house. This is not a simple house is my home. I had lots of plans for the house in years to come, I thought I could stay here another 10-15 years. Like the neighborhood, like neighbors, I love my land, all the efforts we have made to the house is pretty ...
3 visits 2 days, it's hard ....
I do not like to visit my house. Especially when one falls on the buyer-diggers as I call. Those who need to look everywhere. They search, and note any fouinnent. I feel judged. One judge my house, my household and I was in my privacy violated. It's really disturbing for me to visit my house when visitors are picky. Yesterday, I had to leave my husband with a couple of visitors because I was exhausted, they made me sick to look in each cabinet in my kitchen cupboard and another small house.
And it makes me a little sick when people want to bring down the price of the house then that we are already selling at a ridiculous price ($ 6,500 above the municipal evaluation). In my heart this house is worth much more than the asking price, but you have to sell and as quickly as possible.
We had a little couple yesterday morning that we really liked and they semba really in love with the house, the same charm that I had when I visit the house to purchase. I would feel good to give them our house, I had a good feeling during the visit. They reminded us last night to say they were taking an appointment with the bank to do with their mortgage broker what it is. They left us their phone numbers which join them if someone else came to be interested because they want it and I really understand why.
As for us, we find a contractor next Saturday, we decided to build homes. It will not be a great big castle, but we will have a new home to call our own and that fits our needs. Another house that I will try and one day I might have to sell ... but that's another chapter that should not happen so soon! At least I hope so!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Best Temp To Run Wood Stove
now, I feel really bad. It's been two days that my throat is on fire, that I cough very fat and it hurts a lot when I cough, both in the belly in the throat. I had to take my ventolin because I have trouble with my lungs, I do not breathe well.
Tonight I woke up at 2:45 because I was not able to swallow my own saliva.
I took tylenol and cepacol for my throat and it has seem to effect, but I'm not sure I qualify to take cepacol .... I sleep 20 hours over 24 hours trying to recover, I woke up to eat.
I does not have a fever, it at least this ...
Meanwhile, you have other stuff I can take or try to dismiss this sore throat and cough that?
I do not want to go see in the clinic ... AC does not tempt me to wait 4hrs patient in a waiting room with a mask over his mouth while I stay in my bed rest. In more than tylenol and cepacol seem to want to improve my lot.
It's so hard to be sick more pregnant ... nothing can take to heal!
What Bushnell Scope Should I Put On My Ar15
The airplane took off at 21:30 we finally left one second last day. It was remade
a course that has places like Santa Teresa of course, the Centro and the market Sahara passed the coffee Columbo returned to this restaurant where we had eaten this picadilho particularly successful. And
Ipanema, obviously, Gilson Martins for the last few small gifts, a last swim in the belief that eventually we would not wait more than four months before the next to Marseille.
spend time with Denise at the pousada.
A last look at the Sugar Loaf and the bay of Rio.
Cachaca at the duty free. Didier
me recite my lines and they come get us.
We are the last: the plane will take off.
What? we did not want to go?
And then? Arriving in Paris
Ch de Gaulle. Cold
anyway: 2.
It's raining. It's nice, no snow!
must change airports.
Directorate Orly.
off 14.30.
is the last flight pilot who retires and who is dressed for the occasion in cowboy Texan. Check
very music hall over Marseille at the time of landing, we re off for a final round over Bay of Marseille.
Atmosphere "Music Hall last show" Bay of Rio to the bay of Marseille.
It's nice and not too cold: 8 °.
was lucky.
On the blue sea in the distance we see the yachts.

Thursday, January 20, 2011
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walk to the foot of Sugar Loaf. Only
foot due to vertigo.
Super great day. Blue sky, 35 degrees, little wind. Today
day of Pae Do Rio or something like that. The day of
padre of the town's holiday, everything is closed.
Finally it depends in what area.
Ipanema, many shops open.
Afternoon beach again.
A World!
Part of the gay beach, it was a Saturday afternnon Carrefour.
From a corner by going to a little less condensed Leblon.
Here we rented two folding chairs and an umbrella for 5 reais (2 €).
On a small table with chairs delivered we used suco and coconut.
And a little later, two caipi (lemon and kiwi).
Bouhouhouh! as one does not at all, but then not want to go ...
Late Night at the pousada to the suitcases.
They are looped.
jacket, sweater, jeans emerged.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Online Tech Deck Games M
Ultimate Breakfast in Buenos Aires and Gustavo Simoni.
When will the next time? What
idea to have friends so close and so distant? Many thought the fox
the Little Prince.
"So the little prince tamed the fox. And when the hour of departure drew near
- Ah," said the fox ... I'll cry.
- It's your fault, "said the little prince, I will not wanted no harm, but you wanted me to tame you ...
- Of course, "said the fox.
- But you'll cry," said the little prince.
- Of course, "said the fox.
- So you no good nothing!
- I win, "said the fox, because of the color of wheat."
Reviewed Leonardo at Cafe Tortoni, a large coffee, so coffee Columbo in Rio.
To say goodbye. And
spent the last hour stroll in the neighborhood of Palermo Viejo.
And then taxi, taxi, plane, Montevideo, bus runway, Runway bus, plane, and João arrival we waiting to take us back to the pousada.
An hour late. 0:30.
A message from Gus on arrival.
Big turmoil at the top of São Paulo: they failed to land Rio!
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And yes, my dream was true and the majority of you were right about sex!
I must admit that the mom is really more than happy, because I do not lie to you, I really a preference for a girl. I paid a tear when I saw the three little lines!
I feel really fulfilled and I can not wait to see my little Olivia in late May!
Ah yes, my echo, everything is beautiful. The lady told me that there might be still a small chance of seeing something at birth, but the major anomalies are ruled out, his column is well formed and baby seems perfectly healthy, she even made babys at the end of the echo!
past few days, I stick a little fairy music on the belly and it really responds to music, it gives full of fairy-under when play AC and gives even more hits when I stop the music, as if she was telling me, again! Everyone or nearly who have touched my belly felt articulated, it is very active!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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's it, it's nice!
And warm: 38 degrees at midday.
walk in the streets of the Centro.
Bookstore, small shops and popular market as a bazaar. After the
aprem beach in Ipanema.
up to 20 hours.
returned by bus to Lapa.
A world of madness. Everywhere.
In each restaurant or bar musicians.
Why things are lacking in Marseille? Finally
directed to Gloria for dinner. Calmer.
Tonight, Santa Teresa, 23h: 30 °.
60% humidity in the air, to nose. Not a pet
air. Fan base.
cold shower and sleep.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
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We still had two quarters to cross.
Caminito is the neighborhood where the tango was born.
Today is Disneyland for tourists.
However, it pleasant to stroll through these streets, listening to the accordion and see couples dancing on the terraces of restaus.
The houses are painted the colors of the time.
Area fishermen, the poor, who used paint their vessels to protect the facades of their houses.
Discussed with Marlene, shemale 71, very Pépette for his age. At the beginning of the dictatorship in Argentina, she moved to Rio where she participated in the biggest shows of transformers at the Galeria Alaska and met with the greatest musicians of the era: Vinicius de Moraes, Lupicinio Rodrigues, Maria Bethânia, .. .
Won money, enough to have surgery and return finalememt Argentina.
Well then? Caminito, Disneyland is not so that!
Puerto Madero is the youngest district of Buenos Aires (20 years).
On the banks of the river, the old docks are redeveloped. The
restaus course, churascarias, bars.
We got the churascaria (grilled meat restaurant to eat).
4:30 p.m.? No problem. You can eat any time.
Great meat specialists Argentines: one could not avoid doing so.
rides Puerto Madero feet in Recoleta. Many
walking today, drank lots of water and eliminated many of the wine the night before last and beer last night.
Last night the quiet apartment with Gus and Simoni.
Looked and exchanged pictures.
And built a bridge in time and space for our future reunions.
A "halfway unlikely".
Northeast of Brazil? Costa Rica? Cuba?
continued ...
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Lying later removed later.
flea market in the district of San Telmo.
Barely had time to browse here and there as rain, Mass, has come upon us.
After 2h in a gallery to wait until it passes.
Without that happening.
Ran along the walls until coffee.
To wait until it happens.
Without that happening.
Ran along the walls to a restaurant, found by Didier on a gay-friendly places in town.
Nice, quiet, excellent (the restaurant also ... Didier course).
16h. The rain has stopped. Market
deserted, closed, tourists left.
Tucked up until the Plaza de Mayo on foot. A sentence
"Those who have no weight on consciousness have memory problems."
It reminds me vaguely to someone ... but who?
Took the subway. To see. Although
viewed: an old underground period, all wood, or near empty.
Spent the evening at a milonga, the Viruta Tango in Palermo Viejo.
The principle is: the courses are taught in groups of level in two different rooms. The dancers gather to practice what they have learned. Then again a class and so on from 18 to 23h.
Here, there are tango classes and rock.
Then it was the ball until 4am. A mix tango / rock. All
public, young, old, and Argentine tourists.
No censorship. Wants to dance, as he wants. Some couples
- Tango suspended, vibrant, sensual, erotic dance presqu'immobile.
- rock extremely controlled, musical, choreographed
Around 2am the real pros tango shoes landing their shoulder.
And we're just crossing them because we, we go to bed.